
use the installation should carefully

Cause damage to the bearing
Most of the taper roller bearing amage for many reasons - beyond the original estimate of the load , non- effective seal , tight with resulting bearing clearance is too small so . Any one of these factors are factors that damage type has its unique and special damage will leave traces . Therefore, to view damaged shaft bearing, in most cases you can find its possible cause , generally speaking, a third of the bearing damage due to fatigue damage , arising out of the other one-third of poor lubrication , other third contaminants into the bearing arising out of improper handling or installation :
First, to maintain the Bearing test machine and its surroundings clean
Even tiny invisible dust into the bearing , will increase the bearing wear , vibration and noise.
Second, use the installation should carefully
Does not allow a strong punch , does not allow a direct hit with a hammer bearing does not allow pass through the rolling pressure .
Third, the use of appropriate and accurate installation tool
Make use of special tools, try to avoid using fabric and staple fibers and the like . Fourth, to prevent corrosion of bearings direct hands to take bearings , to fully wash hands sweat , and coated with high-quality mineral oil before , during the rainy season and summer with particular attention to rust.
In some special operating conditions , the bearings can get a longer life of the conventional calculation , especially in the case of light load . These special operating condition is , when the rolling surface ( track and rolling member ) by a lubricant film to effectively separate and restrictions may result in contamination of surface damage . In fact, under ideal conditions , the so-called permanent bearing life is possible.

